Thanks a lot for your question and concern. It is confirmed from the pictures of the genital warts, that the infection is severe. Proper medication like antiviral medicines and drugs can be advised for you. Some urine and vaginal swab examinations need to be carried out for determining the intensity of the infection. Genital warts area form of sexual disease caused by the human pappiloma virus or the HPV. If you have this infection and you are pregnant, the baby you deliver might have the same infection right from birth. Some preventive measures can be taken like one should avoid the usage of artificial perfumes and soaps or body lotions during the tenure of this infection, till it gets completely cured. The best available permanent treatment till date is to get the infection removed by a laser therapy. The manual operation can also remove the genital wart permanently as it removes the whole tissues right from the root without leaving any chance for further expansion of the infection. Avoid psychological straining out during the whole treatment process, be patient. Worries will only aggravate your problem. Best Wishes. Take Care.