Thanks for your question and concern. Among male birth control surgeries, vasectomy is considered as the most effective and safest. This procedure will make a male infertile without any other side effects. This procedure causes a stopping of sperms released into semen and will not have any effect with your ejaculation. After recovery, you can ejaculate as you did before, but with nor sperms. You can have sex as you did before, after recovery from the surgery. The procedure is simple and involves a simple cutting and tying of sperm tubes which release sperm from testicles to urethra. The released sperm is absorbed by the body in time and you will not be able to recognize any changes happening inside you. Your testicles will be as efficient and working as it was before, and hence there is no effect in your sexual life. After vasectomy, you can engage in sex of any type like masturbation and various positions as you did before. I hope your doubts are clear by now. Best wishes.