Do I need antibiotics for two days cold?

Resolved question:

Hi, I went to the doctor today and I had a cold for two in a half days now and my nose will not get better unless I have antibotics. I thought that the doctor was going to give me a precription for it but she saids that it is not a infection and I know that she is lying because the bones in my nose need to go down. Was she suppose to give me antibotics?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


If it's not an infection then antibiotics would not be needed.

If it was an infection with cold you would have also had additional symptoms like fever and upper respiratory tract infection. Cold basically occurs due to excessive production of mucus from glands in your nose. This mucus production can occur if there is irritation by allergens or an infection. If you are still not satisfied and you feel you definitely do need antibiotics then you can do the following,

  1. Ask for a routine blood test, which will also include your WBC, neutrophil and lymphocyte count.
  2. If your WBC count is increased and neutrophil count is also increased then you definitely have an infection. If not then you don't need antibiotics as you don't have an infection.
  3. If it's not an infection, then you will have to look into the cause. Most commonly dust allergy causes cold in many; it's a defense mechanism by body to throw away the dust or allergen from the body.
  4. I suggest you can avoid dust, tie a cloth around your nose when driving in two wheeler or whenever exposed to dust.
  5. Take steam inhalation with Vicks, it makes you feel better.
  6. Try taking lot of fruits especially citrus, they boost your immunity.
  7. Do yoga every day. This could be helpful.

Thank you.

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