Difficulty describing difference between arterial and venous disorders

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I am a nursing student and I am doing an assessment class. I am having difficulty being able to state the following question:
Describe the differences between arterial and venous vascular disorders?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello Lisa,

Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

Arterial and Venous vascular 'disorders' is a broad term.

As you might be well aware, in the circulatory system there are arteries which carry the oxygenated blood and the veins which carry the deoxygenated blood. Arteries and Veins , although they carry both blood the types of diseases / disorders are different in both. This is because.

1. The structural difference
2. The difference in the function or functional capacity.

Let's see the major ones

Venous Disorders :

1.Venous Insufficiency
2.Varicose Veins
3.Deep Vein thrombosis
5.Venous Ulcer

Arterial Disorders :

1.Peripheral Vascular Diseases like TAO
3.Peripheral Vein Thrombosis
4.Vasculitis / Arteritis
5. Aneurysms
6.Arterial ulcer.

Even though both are "tubes that carry blood", you can see that the disorders affecting them are different. Even the few similar disorders like Thrombosis and Ulcer have different mechanisms and clinical presentation . Please see these links for more information


Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask followup questions / clarifications , directly via this email

Wish you good health!
Thank you

Dr.Deepu Sebin Sebastian
Specialist in Internal Medicine

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