I have had a rash for about a month. It is in the groin area. It started as a light red rash and has been itchy on and off. I have tried hydrocortisone, antibiotic ointment, olive oil, diaper rash ointment. It hasn't gotten any better and is now very red and has spread. I also tried taking an anti histamine in case it was an allergic reaction. I am living in a humid hot environment for the summer (which is not my normal environment)I am attaching a picture of how it looks today.
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Dermatologist Reply (as suggested by our Inhour Physician) HelloThanks for posting your query at DoctorSpringFrom the picture, it is a case of ringworm. Its called tinea cruris. The best treatment for it would be application of terbinafine cream for three weeks. This would resolve it.I would recommend that you discontinue any other creams that you may be using.Take care.
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