Thank you for choosing Doctor Spring.It is very common to experience irregular periods and changes in the pattern of bleeding during periods after coming off the pill. The first period you had could be a withdrawal bleeding and you normal cycles is yet to be set and regularised.
Chances of pregnancy are also low, as you had protected sex and test negative for pregnancy. However to be sure repeat the test after 1 more week (if no period occurs)
It is just that your body is adjusting to the present situation. Menstrual cycle is a complex system, which works on synchronized production of various female hormones(estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, even thyroid levels)at different phases of the menstrual cycle.
There is no reason to worry as chances of pregnancy are nil and you do not have any warning symptoms of something serious. It is just an adjusting phase of the menstrual cycle.
I would recommend that you wait until your periods resume (upto 1 month), if you do not experience any other symptoms. Also, practice protected sex if you do not wish pregnancy.
Hope this helps.
Do write to us for follow ups.
Thank you.