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Constant Obstrucion in my left nose

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My right side of the nose is always blocked. I cannot breathe with that side of my nose. I am 19 years old and I have been suffering from this problem since my childhood. But now even my left side of the nose is getting obstructed frequently. But when I lie down., There is some relief. Also, there is some kind of fluid coming through my nose into my throat. It is salty and sticky. Most of the times, I swallow it, because I will be not in a position to spit it out. Now my doubt is, is there any problem if I swallow that fluid or should I have to spit it out regularly? If it is so I have to carry a bag of plastic to spit that liquid everytime. And what is that about my left side of my nose. Is there any problem? Should I be worried. Please give proper answer.

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 21 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for writing to us.

The normal breathing in human beings is regulated by higher centres in the brain. During the act of breathing, our nose responds to the higher centres by alternating the side of the nose that is to be involved in respiration. It means that when the left side of the nose is participating in respiration, the rights of the nose gets blocked, and vice versa. This is called nasal cycle. It is a common phenomenon in every individual. In your case it is the same thing that is happening from your childhood. But Maybe because of infection or a common cold even the left side of your nose is getting blocked.

The discharge that you are getting While you lie down is called postnasal drip. It is usually a sign of nasal obstruction or infection in which excessive amount of secretions are carried a way towards the throat. I would recommend you consult an ENT specialist for a quick physical examination and further assessment.

Hope this helps

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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