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Interpretation of MRI scan

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mri scan report of my dad is here and i want to know is there any cure for these

Category: Neurosurgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 32 Doctors Online


Your father is suffering from degenerative spinal disease with lumbar canal stenosis. He can get good relief of his symptoms by surgery over his lower back - laminectomy. Kindly take your father to a neurosurgeon.

Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further.

Thank you

Patient replied :

is there any risk for doing laminectomy surgery ?
he is a diabetic patient and he is nw 60.
Dr. can you recommend good hospital for doing this surgery in kerala.
how many days will be taken for the recovery?
what will be the cost for doing surgery?
if treatment is not done will it cause paralyze?

The risk to this surgery is almost the same as any other surgery. 60 yrs is not an issue. Diabetes should be controlled before surgery.
He should be all well in 7 to 10 days maximum.
If the surgery is properly carried out he should not be paralysed.

Dr. Goutham Cugati
Category: Spine Surgeon
Residency: Neurosurgery, the Post-Graduate Institute of Neurological Surgery, Dr. Achanta Lakshmipathi Neuro surgical Center, VHS Hospital, Chennai, 2011

Postgraduate in Neurosugery: DNB, National Board of Examinations,
Part 1 - 2008, Part 2 -  2010

Medical School: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, JSS Medical College, 2004
Dr. Goutham Cugati and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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