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Cause for skipping periods with bladder urgency and UTI.

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I have been having issues of bladder urgency for over a year along with a number of UTI's. I have been to a urologist who said my bladder may not be completely emptying. I had pain in my side so I had a CAT scan and they detected a cyst on my kidney and ovary, which I was told not to worry about. That was five months ago. I am 44 years old patientold and have 1 child who is 16. I have always had regular periods. My bladder issues seem to have disappeared when I changed my diet and began drinking tons of water, but now I have skipped a period this month which has scared the crap out of me because this has NEVER happened to me. HPT was negative and had tubes tied 16 years old patientago. All blood work is normal except I found out I have HSV2 and am on Valtex daily. I am freaking out that I have cancer because I have skipped a period and have had this on and off again bladder issue. In 2008, I had a golf ball size endometrioma removed from my abdomen along my csection scar (benign). I have had blood work, CT scan, ultrasound of bladder and ovaries, kidney, pancreas, liver, spleen, gallbladder, an upper GI and an entire cardiology workup (unrelated). So I cannot understand the skipped period, but two other symptoms I have had are severe vaginal dryness and greenish stool. Not sure if it's all related. Any thoughts? My diet has changed to five 16 oz of water per day, no caffiene, no carbonated drinks and no spicy foods (maybe my body is cleansing and thats the reason for the green stool?  Curious as to why I'm skipping periods -- could be perimenopause?

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

Skipping a period is not a big deal ! Relax. Cancer should be the last thing on your mind. My first possible diagnosis would be peri - menopause. At 44, this seems plausible. The transitional period is characterized by irregular periods, skipped periods, inter cycle spotting etc.
May I ask if the blood work included hormones - FSH, LH, TSH, Serum estradiol ? If not, please get them done. Thyroid hormone abnormalities also should be excluded. Stress, anxiety, weight changes, exercise, travelling , erratic diet or sleep, smoking ,drinking - again these are issues for a missed period.
Vaginal dryness too is classical of peri-menopause. Greenish stools do not fit in this picture, could be a mild bowel infection.

Please feel free to discuss further. Take care.

Patient replied :

Thanks for your reply. I do not know what the blookd work entailed. My GP ordered it when I was having pain in my left side. I saw a gasteroenterologist who did an entire workup, an upper GI and an ultrasound of my abdomen and nothing was found. She diagnosed me with reflux, but I know I dont have that. I have not had a PAP since 2008 and have not been to a GYN since then due to no insurance because I can't find anyone to take me without insurance. I have never had an irregular PAP and never missed a period except when I was pregnant 16 years old patientago. Sex is not painful for me, no bleeding after sex, no bleeding in between periods. Just a skipped one. I do have stress and anxiety, but do not smoke or drink. Is it possible for a period to just stop and never come back? If it is perimenopause will it come back erratically? Is this even a sign of cancer? I read on Google it could be a sign of ovarian or endometrial cancer. :( Also, could this be a result of the cyst the urologist saw on the CT scan and can that turn into cancer?

Hello. Thank you for the reply.
Can you upload the report where the cyst was detected ?
Perimenopause manifests in various ways - commonly periods get erratic and then stop, rarely they just stop cold turkey.
AM afraid it is better to see a gynecologist.
Just get the following hormones measured - FSH, LH, Serum estradiol, TSH.
Also an internal exam , a Pap smear and pelvic scan is in order.
I do not think of cancer as a possbility in your case.
Take care.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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