Burning/pulling pain after CONE BIOPSY for CIN. BRUFENS.

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I had a cone biopsy for cin11 on the 11th Sept. I felt fine and 5 days later stopped all pain medication. My period started early and I noticed bright red blood at times and pain again. The pain stopped again for about 3 days. I started some bright red spotting and worseing pain. Its a burning pulling sort of pain. Almost like a severe bladder infection. 2 brufens did nothin to relieve pain. A week ago I suddenly had severe bleeding followed by a large tissue like clot. I was diagnosed with a starting infection and given augmentin which I finished yesterday. After being discharged I felt better but today that burning pain is coming back. They also scraped for cancerous cells upwards and they suspect the clot was my uterine lining. This is 3 weeks now and I am getting worried. Is it normal to have this pain? Ive noticed its better when I wake in the morning and worsens as the day goes on.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
What kind of infection were you diagnosed with ?
After a biopsy, such pain is not normal.
You should not be having it almost 3 weeks later ?
Please give me more details regarding the infection you mentioned.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Patient replied :

The doctor said he could see inflammation at the site of the biopsy on the cervix. It was a cone and lletz procedure. Ultrasound, urine analysis and full blood count all came back normal. I had no bad smelling discharge just the bright red bleeding. The pain is gone in the morning and progresses through the day. Ive done no lifting etc and have only been siting more than lying down after being discharged from hospital. It feels like a localised spot more than full pelvis pain. Its a burning sharp pain. Ive taken 2 still pains today and Im still in pain.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

It could be because of the infection at the biopsy site.
The raw area scraped off can lead to the burning type of pain you are describing.
Since you finished the antibiotic yesterday, it could take a few days to regain the surface epithelium, leading to relief.
You can try cold ice compressses locally.
Sometimes, antibiotic pessaries inserted in the vagina would also speed up recovery.

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Patient replied :

I have realised its only when Ive been sitting for more than 10 min. Lying down and standing up is ok. Ive been lying down for 2 days now and the bleeding spotting has also lessened. I have been using an antibiotic cream for insertion.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Yeah while sitting you would press on the raw area on the cervix.
Avoid doing that.
Am sure the antibiotic cream will make a difference, you should be fine within a day or two.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

Yeah while sitting you would press on the raw area on the cervix.
Avoid doing that.
Am sure the antibiotic cream will make a difference, you should be fine within a day or two.
Take care.

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