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suggest me any home remedies or any other contraceptive devices.

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Doctor I am 18 year old and I am sexually active, I don't have sex very often but now and then I do. Sometimes it happens without the condom. I am not thinking about the STDs as me and my boy friend, both of us are clean, but I am just worried about pregnancy. I have visited the health centers for the birth control management. I was suggested with contraceptive pills. I do not want to take the pills. Doctor could you please suggest me any home remedies or any other contraceptive devices.

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Hello thanks for posting your query.

Firstly, I would like to encourage you for being interested in birth control measures. The barrier method is the best option in your case which consists of condoms, male and female types. The female condoms need high maintenance and they are less compliant. The male condoms are easier to use, easier to carry and are easily available in the market. Apart from contraception they can protect you from sexually transmitted infections. The natural methods are

The calendar method. The fertile period is the time period during which the process of ovulation occurs.

Abstinence from sex during the fertile period. The fertile period can be known by the following methods:

In a 28 day cycle, 14th day from the first day of menstrual period is the day of ovulation. 3 days prior to that and 3 days after the ovulation day are considered fertile period and do not have sex during this time. In simple words intercourse between 11th-17th day of period may cause pregnancy

Mucous method: Normally the consistency of the mucous coming out from vagina keeps changing accordingly in a monthly cycle. In the fertile period, the mucous increases in quantity and becomes more slippery and elastic. A woman can detect her fertile time period by checking its consistency and should avoid sexual intercourse during that phase. During the other days it is in small amount, fractures easily.

This way you can keep in track of your fertile period and avoid sex during those days.

Hope this helps.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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