Burning sensation while urinating. Treatment.

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Resolved question:
There is a burning sensation when I urinate. How to I stop this?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.

Dear sir.
Thank you for posting your medical query to DoctorSpring.com
You seem to have got infection from the first episode and it has got lodged in prostate. Prostatitis once encountered is very difficult to eradicate and you need to be on antibiotics for a fairly long period of time. Antibiotics for 2 days can stop growth of bacteria and hence investigations shall come negative.
Breakthrough bleeding is seen when on pill and does not indicate that your partner has infection. Your partner is essentially asymptomatic and does not need any investigations or treatment at this point of time. She needs to be investigated if she develops any symptoms.
Take care
Rajiv Goel

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Patient replied :

Thank you for reply.
In seeking further clarification to your answer please see following
1. am I Contagious for any STD and which one would you say got lodged in my prostate
2. Why if urine passes through prostate have all urine/swabs so far not shown any STD or NGU/NSU
3. How can I have prostatitis but no STD how is that possible in more detail?

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 3 Days.

Prostatitis has no relation to STDs and organism can get lodged into prostate without causing STD.
The organism does not get transmitted to partner if one is suffering from prostatitis.
Most of the tests shall not pick up any abnormalities when one is suffering from prostatitis. The diagnosis is made on clinical examination and results are within normal limits.

Take care
Rajiv Goel

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Patient replied :

So last 2 questions

1. I thought you said you thought from my history I had aquired an infection possibly on 1st exposure which had lodged in prostate. Which infection is most likely at that point and would that not have been an STI in any case if aquired through unprotected oral sex?

2. Am I safe to assume I can continue to have unprotected sex with my wife safe in the knowledge that I am not infecting her with an STI? Bearing in mind no Prostatis diagnoses tests have been done only a digital rectal examination by my GP.

I really need peace if mind as it is causing me anxiety and depression symptoms worrying I may be affecting my wife's health

thank you

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 2 Days.

There are organisms other than the ones causing STDs and they are difficult to grow in any culture. They are usually aerobic bacteria. You probably got the bacteria during the sexual act and it got lodged into prostate.
You don't have STD on any of the investigations. However there are some such as hepatitis b and hiv who shall appear in test only after 8-10 weeks.
You can use condom till you get yourself investigated at a later date for these tests.

Take care
Rajiv Goel

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Patient replied :

Thank you doctor I was blood tested for HIV Syphillis and Hepatitis at 16 weeks so those have been excluded.

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 1 Day.

That's great.
So HIV/ Hepatitis has been ruled out completely.
So kindly do not worry.

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