Burning sensation at beginning of period

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Resolved question:
Am having a burning sensation whenever I start my period

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.

Could you please tell me when you had an abortion ?

Having a burning sensation during periods is suggestive of a pelvic infection / vaginal infection. It could be vaginal fungal infection ( yeast ), bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis - these 3 are the most common ones.

Please consult a gynecologist, and have an internal check up ( per vaginum and per speculum ).

A vaginal swab sample should be taken to confirm the particular infection. Also get your blood sugars tested.

The appropriate therapy as per the infection detected should be started. Also, change the brand of tampon / sanitary napkin as that could be a possible cause.
Change one every 3 hours.

Drink a lot of water to keep urinary tract infections at bay.
Maintain meticulous perineal hygiene during your periods.
Do not use medicated / perfumed soaps / cleansers / douches.
Just clean profusely with warm lukewarm water without rubbing excessively.
Wear cotton non allergic undergarments.
Avoid sex during your periods.

All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.

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Patient replied :

I had an abortion in May 2013

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

Since you had the abortion in May, could you tell me since when you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned ?

It is strongly indicative of a pelvic / vaginal infection. What were the results of the tests done 3 months back ?

I would ask you to get the testing done again as recommended above, in addition to a pelvic ultrasound scan.

That will clarify the diagnosis.
Take care

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Patient replied :

Since I had the abortion I have been having pain whenever I started my period so when I went to the g.p I was told I had womb infection and I was given antibiotic but the pain went and came a month after. I have an ultrasound scan for next month 27th of dec.. And whenever I started my period it's comes in brown tissue instead of blood. And my abdominal area feel as if something is moving in.. Feeling uncomfortable with my self I hope it's not a sign of endometriosis

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

It COULD be endometriosis, but then the fact that it started right after the abortion, is more indicative of an infection.
Endometritis ( womb infections ) have high recurrence rate.
I would advice a workup and ultrasound as suggested to know the exact cause.
Endometriosis would have the following symptoms too - very painful cramps during periods, painful intercourse, pain during bowel movements etc.
I do not think its endometriosis, but more likely an infection.
Take care.

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