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Burning pain, reflux in somach. Can GALLSTONES cause it?

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I started having issues in my lower right gut, at first I put it down to a possible UTI and drank plenty of water. The pain worsened and then all of a sudden it was gone. A day or so later my upper stomach started to hurt, initially like it was reflux/ now almost 4 days later to being a constant pain.

The pain itself is in the centre of my abdomen with the main pain/cramps in the upper area under my ribs though on touch the pain starts just above my navel.

There is no relief from the pain, it is continues even after passing stools/gas and Galveston nor iburabofen

It is also painful at night and wakes me during the early hours even if my 4.5 month old baby is sleeping through!!!

During the time I had my baby, I had muscular skeletal complications that also lead to the discovery of a gallstone, could this be the driving issue?

Please help....

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 29 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
So initially you developed pain in the right side of the gut, which slowly moved on to upper stomach along with some burning sensation and reflux. The site seems to be epigastric region from your description, where pain is experienced in cases of acute gastritis.
I need a few more details to come to a conclusion :
1) What musculoskeletal complications did you have?
2) Are your food habits regular? As in do you take your meals at regular intervals?
3) What about your stools? Has there been any diarrhea? Any blood loss in stool? Any change in the consistency?
4) Do you consume alcohol, if yes, what is the frequency?
If you still have the burning sensation kindly take Cap. Omeprazole 20 mg once daily before breakfast and it will gradually reduce the burning and the pain. I will also advise you to take Syrup. Sucralfate 2 teaspoons after each meals. It coats the intestinal layers, where there are active erosions due to gastritis, hence reducing the pain.
So kindly answer the above mentioned questions, and i will give you my opinion further. Meanwhile you can start taking the medicines i suggested. Strictly don't take any Ibuprofen or other painkillers, they will worsen your condition.
Awaiting your reply,

Patient replied :

1) What musculoskeletal complications did you have? The musculoskeletal issue followed a C-section and was believed to have been triggered due to issues removing my baby. I undertook a number of tests to try and understand what was causing me to cramp up so badly that I could not breath, the only way to stop the cramping was to grab my breath which took some doing……I was admitted into hospital and stayed for about 3-4 days whist test were carried out – MRI, CT etc…..they found nothing and put it down to a musculoskeletal issue…..though they did identify there was a gall stone but concluded that this was not the cause.
2) Are your food habits regular? As in do you take your meals at regular intervals? Yes, though we are on holiday in the UK at present so the food has been varied. 3) What about your stools? Has there been any diarrhoea? Any blood loss in stool? Any change in the consistency? My stools have varied from diarrhoea to firm. About a week prior to the cramping I had in the early morning diarrhoea which looked very red/bloody, I put this down to eating beetroot and having red wine the evening prior, there were no other problems following this. 4) Do you consume alcohol, if yes, what is the frequency? Yes, about 1 or 2 glasses per day.

I must admit, prior to your comment, on the first couple of days of the pain I took Ibuprofen, but noticed that it seemed to aggravate the issue so stopped.

I purchased yesterday prior to your response buscopan (hyoscine butylbromide) as I was experiencing severe cramping spasms that lasted for a few min then eased, this morning (currently 0723am) I have awoken without pain or burning. The stomach area is still sore to touch (push) but is not aggravated and continually sore.

I will await your response.

Thanks for the additional information.
Since the pain is felt just above the naval and it got worsened with ibuprofen, the most likely cause is peptic ulcer.
An upper GI endoscopy may be done to confirm it.
You can take Prilosec for relief.
If prilosec is not providing any relief, you can consider getting an ultrasound scan done to see whether the gallstone which was found earlier is causing any problem now.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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