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sudden pain just occurred in my rib's on the right side

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I'm 14 years old female, I was walking today and a sudden pain just occurred in my rib's on the right side, I showed my mum and it had gone all red and I couldn't walk, when I got home I looked in the mirror it had gone blue and bruised on the rib and red on the hip, it doesn't hurt when I breathe only hurts to be touched or if it moves and when I laugh, the bruising has gone down but it's still incredibly sore, what do you think I've done?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 26 Doctors Online


Did you do any sudden stretching or have any fall or hit by any blunt thing while on road? Your symptoms indicate an external injury which might have caused either a muscle injury due to strain/tear or rib fracture. Muscles assisting breathing called intercoastal muscles are attached to ribs. So in injuries to the ribcage region may injure these muscles directly or due to rib fracture. So, the pain will be more when you breathe deeply, laugh or do twisting movements of your upper body.

Rest and icepacks will alleviate the pain. Muscle injuries and minor rib fractures usually heal on their own if given enough rest. Over the counter pain medication may be taken if pain is disturbing. In case of persistent pain, have a doctor consult for examination. A chest x ray may reveal any fractured ribs. If in doubt, you may be sent for an MRI scan for examining the underlying structures like muscles and other organs.

Thank you. Do get back to me for any further queries.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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