Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
Yes, at 31, you are too young to have menopausal symptoms, also you have PCOS, and women with PCOS have a later menopause than average, so I do not think that is a possibility.
Chromogranin A tests look for endocrine tumours that maybe present somewhere in the body.
I do not think your symptoms match those either, but yes, a workup is essential.
Please dont be scared.
Those tumours are rare.
It is possible that you are having these symptoms because of mild hormonal disturbance.
This can be aggravated by stress, hormonal pills ( if you are taking them ), weight gain or loss, exercise, smoking, drinking, late nights - basically any stress to your mind or body.
What hormonal tests have been ordered so far ?
If you let me know, I can then suggest further workup accordingly.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
The Doctor order chromogranin A and lh fs, thyroid, and he told me that a complete hormone profile. I did not mentioned to you because I tried to type everything as I went along but I also have nostalgia and I end up crying or getting up set especially when I think about sad things. I don't know if it has something to do with it or not.
Please stay strong.
The complete hormonal profile has been ordered.
Please write back to me with the results.
I think you should think about seeing a psychologist, because you seem to be having some emotional stress.
Proper counselling will definitely help you.
Take care.
Patient replied :
Hi, I just received the results and there as follows.
Wbc 8.0
Rbc 3.99
Hemoglobin 11.7
Hematocrit 34.8
Mcv 87
Mch 29.3
Mchc 33.6
Rdw 13.7
Platelets 306
LH 4.7
FSH 2.2
Testosterone total 13.9
Chromogranin A 1
Dhea-sulfate 167.5
Estradiol 58.4
Hemoglobin A1C 5.8
Prolactin 12.2
TSH 2.6
The doctor told me that the A1C was a bit high I currently weight 166 lbs and I am 60 inches tall. I have a slow physical activity. I also had another question about the chromogranin A these these were done at lab corp of america. The value range for chromogranin A is 0-5 mine is 1. If there's no tumor shouldn't my value have been 0. What do you think on the oval results, what could it be that is causing this and should I get further testing or not. I was also prescribe diacepan 2mg, I don't know if I spelled.it correctly but the medication is to make you relax.
Please do two things.
Upload the test reports instead of typing them out.
This is because I need to see reference ranges also.
And upload the prescription or the drug strip if you have already purchased it, so that I am sure of the spelling.
Take care.
I have gone through the reports.
Yes, the reports are all normal.
Some amount of Chromogranin is secreted in normal adults, your value is in normal range, there is no evidence of a tumour anyway.
HbA1C is slightly elevated, but you can modify your diet and control sugar / high calorie intake.
Please upload the prescription / correct name of the drug.
I think you mean Diazepam, am I right ?
It is given to control anxiety, panic and stress.
All of your symptoms can be caused by stress and anxiety.
Take care.