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Bloated stomach with gas hour after eating. Treatment?

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An hour or two after eating, I get bloated and produce a lot of gas. It seems to be from my lower GI. I work evenings and this is the time when it's usually the worst. I've tried gas-x with no results. I've been taking beano with foods I believe may be culprits but it's not effective every time. I've been taking peppermint oil pills and again that only sometimes soothes me. I tried a highly rated probiotic from Amazon and that doesn't seem to have helped.

It's quite embarrassing to have to get up to use the restroom at work so frequently, so I find myself holding the gas in. Which it then moves back and forth inside of me and makes ungodly noises. I'm afraid I'm doing damage to myself but I can't get up to go to the bathroom every half hour. I don't seem to have any internal bleeding, though my stool was very dark the other day. But that was the only instance.

It's been getting worse and I have an appointment with a doctor finally next week. I just want to know if this is setting off any alarms or if there is anything I can do in the immediate future. I've tried changing my diet but I can eat the same thing two days in a row with different results. Thanks.

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I sincerely apologise for the delay in the reply.
I have reviewed your history and it is possible you have some kind of malabsorption due to enzyme deficiency, which leads to production of so much gas. You could also have bacterial overgrowth.
Can you please mention your dietary history in detail?
Also, have you ever gotten your stool tested?
Once you reply, I will get back to you.

Patient replied :

Thank you for responding. I thought I may be afflicted with fructose malabsorption after reading up on it before I even submitted on here. So in the last few days I've cut out any offending sugars and I've been much better. I still had some gas after eating dinner, but nowhere near the level I was experiencing before. I've been eating mostly proteins and vegetables with no fructose like carrots. Do you have any dietary recommendations? How would I go about dealing with the bacterial overgrowth, if that may also be an issue with me? I have not had my stool tested. I am seeing a doctor at the end of next week. Thank you again.

Yes, you should get a stool test done, as it can reveal the malabsorption of lactose/ fructose or any other sugars you are intolerant too.
Regarding the diet, avoid dairy products, chocolates, peanuts, cabbage, broccoli, and sugar as you have avoiding. Lean meat, grilled veggies, and proteins will do.
Also, for the bacterial overgrowth, when you meet your doctor, he can prescribe you a course of Rifaximin to be taken twice daily for 2 weeks. This will reduce the bacterial overgrowth.
Hope this was helpful,

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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