Biopsy showing cancer of penile skin

Resolved question:
I would like to get your personal opinion/interpretation of this biopsy report please.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Oncologist

Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 4 Days.


I have gone through the reports and it clearly suggests there is cancer of the penile skin

We need to check the lymphnodal status , check for the stage and decide on final treatment.

Please update me the details as
How long did u have the lesion ?
Whether it is painful or discharging

Dr Vineel

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Patient replied :

Forgot to attach the report.

Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 3 Days.

Judging by the report I have provided, what do you think the stage is?

It's for my father. He had a wart on his penis which was removed, and the report you read is the biopsy report of that wart. He also had phimosis for which a circumcision surgery was performed (they found the wart during this procedure).

He did say there was bleeding and a puss-like discharge from the wart and the skin was peeling. The wart was present for about 6 months. There was discomfort but not too much pain.

We're based in the UK and it is currently being treated under the NHS - obviously with the long waiting list it's very stressful. If they don't start treatment within say 5 months, will the cancer metastasise? This is something we really don't want.

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Patient replied :


I have gone through the reports and it clearly suggests there is cancer of the penile skin.

We need to check the lymphnodal status , check for the stage and decide on final treatment .

Please update me the details as How long did u have the lesion ?
Whether it is painful or discharging.

Dr Vineel

Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 2 Days.

Hi Dr Vineel,

I didn't get a reply, you just copied your previous post...

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Patient replied :


It is very hard to know the stage from the biopsy report . If it is only a wart and no other lymphnodes were palpable then it would be considered as a early lesion .

However I suggest you get a PET scan done that would give me a clear picture . Or else a MRI pelvis would suffice for now.


Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 1 Day.

Ok, so after about 6 months, would this metastasise to the lymph nodes? Is it likely to? How fast would it spread and is there anything (before treatment at hospital) he can do to inhibit the cancer from metastasising? E.g. Diet, exercise etc?

He has been complaining about his shoulder being extremely painful for the past week. I hope there is no connection to the penile cancer, and that this is not related.

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