Thanks for your consult at DoctorSpring.com.
Do not worry about the report.
Lesions that are categorized as BIRADS 3 ( BIRADS is the classification system for grading breast lesions on imaging.) require follow up at 6, 12 and 24 months.
The sonogram indicates that there are multiple small cysts in the breast tissue.
However , on imaging, the likelihood of these lesions being malignant is very low. Chances are high that these are benign.
Nothing needs to be done for them, as right now you have been given the all clear.
Such findings on ultrasound only need periodic surveillance and monitoring and regular observation. Hence, just go for the follow up scan as advised after 6 months. There is no need at present to see a Specialist for this.
If the subsequent scan shows a change / worser prognosis, or you feel newer / bigger palpable lumps, then yes, you need to see one right away. Right now, just do not worry about it.
All the best
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.
Patient replied :
Thank you for answering my question..Just to let you know i never felt lumps or cysts. They were only seen on ultrasound.Wanted to also say had mammogram first and it was clean - Negative. The reason for the ultrasound was dense breasts. Will theses cysts go away? When i did ultrasound it was a week before my period was due. I didnt realize not to do it so soon to my period. Could that be the cause of the cysts?
Thank you for the appreciation.
See, basically these cysts are too small and densely embedded in the breast tissue - these would not be palpable. It is part of a spectrum of a condition called Fibrocystic Breast Disease.
Due to hormonal effects, the density of the breasts increases, and small cysts are found scattered in the breast tissue. This is most often a harmless condition, as only in less than 1 % of women, it progresses to something more ominous.
This has no bearing with your period cycle, though premenstrually, the hormonal changes and effects are heightened, and you would be feeling more density and lumpiness.
You can take Vitamin E and evening primrose oil supplements daily for 3 months for this condition.
All the best