Plain text transcript
Angelina Jolie has a Mutation in a gene called BRCA - The Villain
Mutation in BRCA
Is in less than 0.1% of Women
Increases risk of Breast Cancer 5 times
Is in Only 4% of women who develop Breast CancerHer mother also had Breast Cancer, increasing her risk for Breast Cancer further.
To reduce her risk, She chose Mastectomy (complete removal of breast tissue) & breast reconstruction.After Mastectomy, Angelina Jolie reduced her expected risk of breast cancer to 5%
Prophylactic Oophorectomy Next ?
She still has 50% Risk of ovarian cancer owing to her family pre-disposition.
Your Risk
Physical Inactivity, Tobacco, Alcohol, High-Fat Diet, Hormone Therapy, Exposure
Not Modifiables
Age, Dense Tissue, Family Pre-disposition, Reproducive & Menstrual History, Race
Healthy Lifestyle, Periodic screening as per Risk Profile, Preventive Therapy, Surgery, Breastfeed
Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.Thanks AJ for encouraging people to take charge of their health.
Understand your Risk, Make Informed Choices
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