Thank you for your consult at DoctorSpring.com.
Right now, we do not have an confirmatory evidence mobile phone towers or TV/radio station towers causing increased risk of developing brain cancers or any damage to brain.
Right now, I would not say that you have increased chances but you should probably clear your doubts by verifying with the expert's opinions.
http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/cellular-phone-towers and http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs193/en/ would give you a clear idea on the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health. The gist is as I said we don't have confirmatory evidence one way or the other - as these studies have to span across generations. But I request you to go through the studies at your leisure.
I would be happy to answer any of your queries in future.
Dr Eswaran
Consultant Oncologist