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Adult onset Stills and vasculitis with severe inflammatory spine

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I have had adult onset stills disease and vasculitis for over 25 years.

I had a severe inflammatory back episode which caused a compression fracture in 2005. It is occurring again. I see my rheum. Later this week. She ordered X-rays and I also went to an orthopedist just to have another viewpoint as well.

I do believe it is inflammatory and he did as well. He said that he believe that I had these fusions:

L6 (extra vertebrae) to s1, l5 to l4, l3 to l4 and t12 to l1. This is the radiologist report.

It said partial sacrilzation of l5-s1. Grade 1 anterolisthesis at l3-l4 with greater posterior narrowing. Vacuum density of t12-l1 severe disc space narrowing and end plate sclerosis. Retrolisthesis at t12-l1 with dorsal spondylitis and narrowing of anterior canal. Vacuum density at l4-l5 disc space.

I have tried to look up dorsal spondylitis but really cannot find anything, my main question is - is the inflammation causes this from my existing disease or is it another type? My latest crp is 129.

Category: Rheumatologist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 23 Doctors Online

Dear Madam,

Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring. Firstly, my sincere apologies for the exceptional delay due to unforeseen circumstances.

Well looking into your problem, I would like to tell you that it is quite possible that it is due to your existing disease. Since your CRP is 129 , it is suggestive that high amount of inflammation is going on in the body. An ESR will be more helpful.

I would still like to tell you that you get yourself tested for HLA B-27 if any kind of spondyloarthropathy is going on will be clear. Your treating doctor will be able to tell you rightly because physical examination is very important in deciding the disease.

All the autoimmune diseases have a tendency for overlap with each other so one cannot say anything with certainty but it looks like a consequence of your existing disease.

Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further.

Take care

Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Senior Residency: Rhematology, All India Institute of Medical Schiences, New Delhi, 2009
Post Graduate, Junior Residency: MD (Internal Medicine), Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Jharkhand, 2006
Residency: Physiology, Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2003
Internship: Government Medical College, Trichur, 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Calicut University, 2001
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