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Small patches of discoloration on penis with HERPES. Outbreak?

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About 3 months ago I had an initial outbreak of genital herpes. This was confirmed by a local doctor. I used oral anti-virals and it cleared up in several days. Since, I have not had anything that I would call an outbreak. No open sores or blistering, as with the first outbreak. However, I have recently noticed that about a month after the first outbreak there are some small patches of discoloration on the head of the penis. Depending on the lighting conditions they are easier to at times, than at other times. They are not raised and do not itch or anything. I am trying to figure out if this is something serious, related to the herpes, or something else. Also, if I need to be doing something in terms of care or if it's not something I need to worry that much about. Just want to check to make sure that everything is in order. Thanks. (Age 25)


You can view the images in the attached photos. The spots are more apparent in yellow tinted light and not really visiable at all in white light/sun light.


Also, I have always used a condom during sex and the first outbreak was in the public hair area below the stomach, if you need to know that or not.

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 26 Doctors Online


Thanks for writing to us.

I have seen the attached image but I am not able to appreciate any discoloration over glans. If its just a discoloration that is asymptomatic and has occured at the site herpes lesions, it could be post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Now PIH in this area usually clears on its own, so no treatment is required.
But still I would appreciate if you could send us better pics to rule out other causes of discoloration.
Hoping to hear from you soon.

Patient replied :

Thank you very much your reply. I guess since my herpes diagnosis I might be overly concerned about symptoms of other STDs. I was reading about genital warts/HPV, and perhaps am more worried about that than I should be...I guess if I had them, they would not look like the photos I sent you and would be more that correct?
I uploaded new photos, which might show more detail. On the skin you can see a bit of color differentiation, perhaps this is just normal...and not the result of anything for concern.

I have seen the attached image. The skin looks perfectly normal. As you said, you are actually worrying too much for no reason! Genital warts are elevated and vurrucous skin lesions. You don't have genital warts.
As you had herpes, please get your Elisa for HIV, HBsAg and VDRL done to rule out HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. In India, we routinely get these tests done in patients who come with any sexually transmitted infection.
Always wear protection while indulging in casual sex.
Hope this helped. Please feel free to discuss further.
Take care

Dr. Kalpana Pathak
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
M.D. from Pt. B D Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak in 2011 with Haryana State Dental & Medical Council
M.B.B.S from MLN medical college allahabad in 2006 with Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
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