Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
Coming to your direct questions first:
1) can I have sex without removing skin.
Yes, you can have sex without moving skin. As long as your are enjoying it, its well and fine.
2) let me know why my pennies becomes small
As long as the penis is having a good length at erection , it should not matter. The length of the penis at relaxed state depends on the outer temperature and the state of mind. Also with age the penis may seem shrunken in the relaxed state but if the erect state is having a good strength, then its fine.
3) Can I have babies.
Yes you can have babies even if the skin is not moved backwards. As long as the sperm is getting deposited in the vagina, there is no issue. The forceful ejaculatory spurt is not required as such. If the sperm is not coming out of the penile skin, then it is an issue. Otherwise you need not worry.
Hope this helps,
In case if you have any further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Patient replied :
what should be the length of penis at the eraction state?.
The average penis length on erect state ranges between 10-15 cms.