Resolved question:
Hey there - I just accidentally smoked weed out of a moldy apple... am I going to be okay?
4 Days
Thanks for posting your query at
Can you please elaborate by what you mean when you say - ' except a little bit of bacteria from the culture ' ?
Could you possibly upload the report ?
In my opinion, the symptoms are those of bacterial vaginosis.
IT typically flares up with new sexual partners.
I assume you had a vaginal swab done, that should have picked it up.
That is also why the Metronidazole would have been started.
You would be relieved once you complete the course, and have a fresh swab that documents that the infection has been eradicated.
Sometimes, a prolonged course of Metronidazole / vaginal Clindamycin gel might be required.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
I am unable to upload the report at this time. The in office test did not find any abonormal bacteria but when they sent in the vaginal swab bacteria was present.
I was researching last night and think I may be allergic to my new partners seman. I exhibit all symptoms (itching, burning, redness and swelling around vaginal opening) I also read the allergic reaction symptoms worsen each time. This reflects my current situation. We have been sexual active on 5 different accounts and this round is by far the worse.
I took a benedryl and the itching is 95% gone. Is this a good indicator that I am having an allergic reaction?
What do you suggest I do from here?
Use condoms the next time round, and if you dont get the symptoms,the diagnosis is confirmed ( allergic to semen ).
Frankly till you let me know the report,I cannot comment much since BV has to be ruled out.
From here, I would ask you to have an internal exam and a vaginal swab and culture.