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Local anesthesia for breast reduction

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Your question: "I have chosen to get a breast reduction I am a 36DDD and only 17 I am afraid of being put under general anastitia but have no problem With local anastitia is this possible to have local anastitia with a breast reduction? If so what are some tips I'm a very brave person I would fill way more comfortable.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
Dr. John Monheit is online now

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

I understand your concerns. For breast reduction there are two type of anesthesia used namely General anesthesia and IV sedation. General anesthesia is the preferred mode since as on intubation it is easier to control respiration and the patients movements are minimized while performing the surgery. The post op complications are also minimum. Another method of anesthesia is IV sedation where it is given through the IV route where the needle is inserted through the veins on the back of the hand and the medication is given through it. This relaxes you and makes you drowsy depending on the dosage. You can also give local anesthesia along with it. I wound suggest that you meet the plastic surgeon and talk to her regarding your concerns so she could help you through it.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
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