Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Yes , a pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan will most definitely pick up obvious tumours / lumps in the vaginal canal.
However, for 100 % accuracy, the scan should be accompanied by an internal exam ( per vaginam and per speculum ) by a Specialist OB - GYN, and a Pap smear if required.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
I have had pelvic pain for well over a year on trying to locate it's source I found a small hard lump about 3 inches in to my vagina on the left hand side. I have since developed itching around the vulva on and off since February that is not accompanied by any discharge. I have seen the doctor and a specialist who say they can not feel the lump and do not seem concerned about the itching. I have asked my husband to feel and he to can feel the lump. I am concerned that this could be cancerous as I know itching can be a sign. I have also had a pelvic scan that showed normal and a smear over a year ago that was normal however I still experience pain/ache in the left hand side of my vagina.
Are you talking about the interior ( inside the vagina ) or outside on the vulva?
Can you upload photos of the lump or the area please?
What is your age?
Itching is generally not a sign of cancer.
Patient replied :
It's on the inside of my vagina about 3 inches in to the canal on the left hand side. Sorry I do not have a picture, it is in a difficult place to feel and I don't feel that I can completely feel it.
Are you very sure about the lump ?
If you and your spouse can feel it, a Specialist OB - GYN can most definitely feel it ?
It could be a vaginal fold that you are palpating between your fingers ?
If you are not sure about whether it is there or not, you will have to trust the doctors and the scan.
Patient replied :
It definitely feels like a lump but when I have examined myself it is generally sat on the loo and when my husband felt it I had my kness raised. When I have been examined by the doctor and gynaecologist I had my legs in a different position joined at the ankle. This lump, the ache and the itching are causing me extreme concerns that I may have a cancerous tumour in the vaginal canal.
Please have a repeat consultation and repeat exam, in the position that you can feel the lump, by a Specialist.
AM sure it will be picked up if it is there.