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What is the side effect of Mensovit?

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Hi I'm 26 and for the past two months I didn't have my periods so I planned to take mensovit plus tablet to have my periods now I want to know many tablets should I take in time per day before or after food and what is the side effect in this tablet pls help

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 24 Doctors Online

Hello, With reference to your query that you had not had periods for 2 months and you decided to take Mensovit plus tablet and wants to know the dosage and its side effects. Mensovit plus is prescribed for regulating the menstrual flow or regulating the delayed periods. Irregular periods often happen when there is hormone imbalance in the body, which can be caused by stress, poor diet or certain genetic conditions. Before deciding to go on a pill, you must ascertain yourself about menstrual irregularity or very painful periods and how often it is irregular or a doctor or gynecologist should assess any breakthrough bleeding. Taking a pill, which is nothing but a hormonal contraception, may give false hopes because a pill does not solve your body's irregularity. Side effects includes changes in uterine bleeding, headache or migraines, increased blood pressure, vaginal infection with vaginal itching or irritation, faintness, nausea, pale skin, sweating, pain or tenderness in upper abdominal area, bloating acne, breast pain or tenderness, dizziness, swelling of ankles and feet, unusual tiredness or weakness, blotchy spots on exposed skin, loss of body or facial hair, increased or decreased interest in sexual intercourse, increased sensitivity of skin to sunlight, weight gain. Dosage: 600 mg capsules to be taken daily once. Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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