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Lifestyle changes, mediacations to prevent PULMONARY EDEMA by DIABETES.

Resolved Question:

My dad (65) is suffering from Type 2 diabetes since almost 15 years.
He also recently suffered with Pulmonary edema and was put on ventillator for 2 weeks.

Other observations:
He walks slowly.
Eyesight is weak so he cannot judge the terrain.
He taken insulin injections everyday 14 units.
He takes about 15 tablets every day.
He cant exercise much as he gets tired easily.

How can we change his lifestyle and medication to reverse these conditions and help him lead a long and healthy life ?

Category: Diabetologist

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Category: Diabetologist
 31 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
Your dad is not very old. But its the Diabetes and associated heart problem (Pulmonary edema), and poor exercise tolerance is affecting his quality of life.
He needs to regularly test his blood sugars and maintain a satisfactory control, which need not be very tight (Fasting 100-130, Post meal <180mg/dl, HbA1c 7-7.5%) should be acceptable. He should eat small meals every 4-6hrs to reduce chances of hypoglycemia. He needs to walk under supervision to avoid falls.
periodic check ups for kidneys, eyes heart are needed to monitor for complications.
BP needs to be controlled.
Hemoglobin needs to be checked and maintained around 12-14g/dl.
He needs to take supplements for Vit B12 and Vit D.
With all these measures, he is likely to feel better and live a good quality of life.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Thank you for your prompt reply, Dr J Muthukrishnan.
I have one follow up question which consists of 2 parts:

  1. Would getting him a treadmill or stationary-bike for exercising at home, help him strengthen his heart and over a period of time improve his quality of life ?
  2. Can you suggest a good electronic BP monitoring device we can purchase for use at home ?

Yes, exercising will help definitely. It will increase the blood supply to all the organs, ensuring they are healthy.
You can buy OMRON BP machine, it is a good electronic BP monitoring device.
Feel free to discuss further,

Dr. J Muthukrishnan
Category: Diabetologist
1. 10th Asia-Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society  Fellows meeting, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2008
2. Eighth ICMR Course on Genetics and Genetic Counseling – Jul 2008 – SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Annual Certificate Course on Endocrinological Laboratory Techniques at National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) Hyderabad,India, ( Aug-Sep 2006) 
Fellowship: Endocrinology, Diplomate of National Board, National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2008, Medwin Hospital, Hyderabad
Senior Residency: Diplomate of National Board (General Medicine), National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, 1997-2000, Armed Forces Medical College, 2nd position in University
Medical School: MBBS, Armed Forces Medical College, 1992
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