What are the side effects of NIFEDIPINE in REYNAULDS SYNDROME?

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A few months ago my doctore changed my medication from Carvedilol to Nifedipine due to Raynaud's Syndrome. Since then my right ear has had congestion, ringing, sinus issues on right side and voice change, like I was coming down with a cold. These are rare side effects that I have found on some websites. I mentioned this to her on June 13 but feel it was ignored. It may have been notated in my records but I was never checked or asked anything about these problems. I would like for these problems to cease. Anything I can do to resolve them like an antihistimine or decongestant? Or should medication be changed to another calcium blocker? I have tried peroxide, baby oil, everything I could online to open ear back up. It may stay blocked for a few days, 2-3 weeks, then open up for some time and then block again. Thank you in advance!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com.

I understand your concern. Rarely, Nifedipine can cause nasal congestion and also of the adjacent areas. 

Your symptoms of blocked ear and associated ringing are mainly due to congestion of a tube which connects the middle ear to the back of your nose, called the Eustachian tube. Congestion of the sinuses and the throat have brought about the other symptoms.

You can take a combination of an anti-histamine and decongestant and can continue Nifedipine.

I have the following suggestions.

1. Please take an OTC Pseudoepherine 120 mg + Loratidine 10 mg (e.g.: Claritin D 24-hour) once in the night for a week. This decongestant plus antihistamine combination will relieve and prevent congestion and help resolve your symptoms.

2. You should carry out steam inhalation at least 3 times daily. This will clear your sinuses and relieve congestion, as well as help clear the Eustachian tube block.

3. You can chew a gum to or try the Valsalva maneuver (Try to blow out against a pinched nose and pursed lips) to relieve the blocked ear. Chewing gum works by the repeated swallowing of saliva which in turn helps to clear the accumulated secretions within the eustachean tube. Valsalva maneuver also helps to clear the tube by forcing its contents out into the back of the nose.

4. Please carry out warm saline gargling 3-4 times daily.

This should relieve all your symptoms.

Feel free to ask queries.

Thank you. 

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Patient replied :

Hello Again,
I appreciated your advice but the only problem is that in the State of Mississippi, USA, Claritin D 24 hr is a prescription medication. Anything else that may work similar?
Thank you

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


You can take the two drugs separately instead of the combination. You can use any brand available as OTC containing OTC Pseudoephedrine such as Sudafed®/ Sudo-Tab®/ SudoGest/ Nexafed®/ Oranyl. Depending on the strength you find, please adjust the dosing interval as follows:

-Pseudoephedrine 60 mg, then take it 3 times daily.

-Pseudoephedrine 120 mg, then take it 2 times daily, 12 hours apart.

-Pseudoephedrine 240 mg, then take it once daily.

In addition to the Pseudoephedrine, you should take OTC Loratadine 10 mg (Claritin/ Alavert/ Loradamed), once in the night. If that is not available, alternatively you can use OTC Cetirizine 10 mg, once in the night.

Let me know if you have any queries.

Thank you.

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Patient replied :

I really do appreciate what you have shared with me. I finally got an answer from my doctor. I was told to stop taking Nifedipine as of today if I was having side effects and schedule a follow up appointment. Is this safe to just stop this medication? With Coreg, I was told to reduse doseage over a period of days. Are calcium blockers that different from beta blockers? I am planning to change doctors soon due to a number of reasons. I waited today to see if she prescribed anything different but did not and may still try Sudafed and Loratadine to help clear this up. Can Sudafed affect or raise blood pressure?
Thank you very much!!!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thank you for your appreciation. Nifedipine should be tapered and then stopped in patients with coronary artery disease in order to avoid worsening of chest pain. Since you are on Nifedipine for Raynaud's, it is safe to just stop it without tapering the dose. Calcium channel blockers are very much different from beta blockers. The dose of beta blockers needs to be gradually tapered before stopping them in order to avoid rapid heart beat, increase in blood pressure etc. These effects are usually not seen on stopping calcium channel blockers. Sudafed has the potential to raise blood pressure but practically this is not seen commonly. It can still be used in hypertensives but should be used cautiously. In non-hypertensive subjects, this is not a concern. So you need not worry. Good luck in finding a new doctor. Thank you.

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