Thanks for writing to us at DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
1. Yes, you should be concerned, but not overtly anxious. Some amount of erratic vaginal bleeding happens once in a while to every woman. There could be various causes for such irregular bleeding - some of the commoner ones include anxiety , stress, weight gain, hypothyroidism ( which you are having ) . Changes in jobs, alteration in eating or sleeping habits - all these can cause this.
If these are reasonably ruled out, the first thing I would next suspect is pregnancy - or related complications ( such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy ). Was your regular period quite normal ? And have you never experienced this kind of midcycle erratic flow ? A pregnancy test would go a long way in ruling out this leading cause.
Next would be conditions like - polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, cervical lesions like polyps, growths, lesions etc - which can cause such bleeding.
Since a recent exam was normal, this scenarios is less likely, however its been almost 5 months since your exam.
2. For the pain, you can take painkillers three times a day. Hot water bottles will help you too, as will taking rest, and limiting physical activity to a minimum.
Right now, you can wait a watch.
If the pain does not let up, or the bleeding intensifies , I would recommend -
1. A gynecological exam ( Per vaginum and per speculum ).
2. A pelvic ultrasound scan.
3. Recent TSH levels.
All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.