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Unsightly red spots on the tip of penis.

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For the last many days I have been facing a problem of red spots on the tip of my penis.When  I went to consult a doctor few year back then doctor  told me that  it as eczema  and suggested me  a prescription for  a cream that would clear it.By today when I found spots coming back I consult a urologist and he diagnosed it as a strawberry hemangioma.I don’t  think that  it is strawberry hemangioma  ,I am really tensed  and I really want to get out of this red spots.What should I do? I have seen few STDs picture to detect my situation but in vein.

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 31 Doctors Online

Thanks for your question. The red spot found must be eczema not a strawberry hemangioma. According to me I would suggest you to get consultation with another urologist near by your place for your betterment and for the sake of your good. Also get few std tests done to conform that there is no STDs present since STDs picture mostly show the worst cases.Consulting another urologist can exactly tell you the disease that you are suffering from.As you may be aware of that human body has different harmones and cells present in their body and sometime they stop working if not diagnosed properly and because of ill treatment the situation can become worse. If we talk about strawberry hemangioma it is a very common disease found in infants but not in adults. Since you were currently going through your treatment,that is the cream that you were using will be enough for your red spots and can remove your spots but I would still suggest you to see your doctor near by your place as he can give you better advice for your treatment. Take care. 

Dr. Steve Merris
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Medical School - New York University
Internship in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Residency in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Steve Merris and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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