Tumor in stomach on ayurvedic medicine

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Hi Doctor

I am risha , female from India, I have got tumor in stomach for last 2 years , i was taking ayurvedic medicine but he didnt' help. it gives pain around tummy.

I want to know best medicine for this. Also food habits along with yoga and exercise. after a month i am about get married i want to get alright before. please help and suggest the medicine.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Oncologist

Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 4 Days.


I have gone through your query. I need specific investigations like endoscopy,
and If done a biopsy report.

If its a tumor then make sure you consult an oncologist and take appropriate medicines . Please update me the reports I can suggest you medicines only after I get the reports.


Dr Vineel

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Patient replied :

Dear Mr. Vineet,

I don't have endoscopy, I have got x ray. I would request you to advice medicine. I am telling you Sir , it is tumor, I request prescription.


Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 3 Days.


I understand your problem but unless until i know the diagnosis i cant recommend any medicines madam .
This is because the treatment changes according to the histopathology and the site of the tumor .

please update me the X ray at least.

Thanking you
Dr Pampati

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Patient replied :

Dear Sir,

I have to the X-ray, do I send you, here in computer scanning such a big screen not possible, May I send you via courier ? please give me your address to send.


Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 2 Days.


Please take a picture and send me.

Dr Vineel

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Patient replied :


Please find enclosed xray. I request you to please me suggest medicine as my entire body has started pain waves and pain in tumor as well.

Expert:  Dr. Vineel Pampati replied 1 Day.


The Xrays does not give any additional value.

I hope you would understand that a tumor is not a simple affair where a treatment can be recommended without detailed evaluation. So please proceed with a Biopsy (Do get in touch with your Doctor).

Diet or medication alone will not help you. The condition will only get worse. The only option is to find out what the type of the tumor and then decide the treatment.

Hope this helps.

Thank you

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