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Treatment for TROCHANTERIC BURSITIS without injury.

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So i have be diagnosed with Trochanteric Bursitis. On 7/30/15 I was diagnosed and given a cortisone injection, and told to come back in 4 weeks after completing physical therapy. Well here I am a week later and I am not any better at all. I still have pain while walking and standing. I can barely walk from living room to kitchen to grab something to drink without having to rush back to get to a comfortable sitting or laying position. When I stand it is almost instant. I can not stand in one place for 30 seconds or its very painful. I don't know what to do. If I should call my family physician for some type of medication, or to call my ortho doctor back and tell him that the injection is not working and physical therapy is not working. I have had this condition since 7/24/15 and it was sudden. I woke up on day with bad hip pain to where I could not walk or stand for a long time. I did not have any trauma to my right hip, was just sudden. I have had some very light hip pain since September of 2014. I tore my plantaris tendon on my right leg and was in a walking boot for 2 weeks. Once out of the walking boot I had some very light hip pain that has come and gone since then until 7/24/15 is were it was instant severe pain. I do not run or anything like that, but I do stay activate with outdoor family activities and hunting and fishing. I do work as a sheriff deputy, and sit in a cruiser for 8 hours, but I am in and out of the car frequent to stretch and what not before the incident. Now I get out when i have no pain and stretch my hip, but I cant walk 50 yards without pain, and have to go and sit back down. Please help on what to do. There is no medical family history for this. Also I am not on any medications besides Aleve, which I have not taken since 7/26/14 because it does not help with pain.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 28 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at

I have read your question with diligence.
It looks that you are having trochanteric bursitis.But you are not getting symptomatic relief from this.It looks that you are not attacking at root of the problem,this is the reason why it is recurring. There are some other reasons to have this problem like obesity,thyroid disorder,psoriasis,rheumatoid arthritis,arthritis at hip,etc.You should ask from your orthopedic doctor to get yourself reevaluated.
Having yourself evaluated from the rheumatological point of view with help of blood investigation will be helpful for you.Till then you may have contrast bath(alternate cold and warm fomentation) and a good analgesic like combination of tramadol with paracetamol will be helpful for you.
Please feel free to discuss further,
With best wishes.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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