Treatment for Tinea cruris and elevated liver enzymes

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I am 39 yrs old (male) taking medicine from 1st January-2014, as advised by a Gastroenterologist for elevated liver enzymes. My LFT results before starting medicine like- SGOT-73.00, SGPT- 139.00, GGPT-63.00, Alkaline Phosphate- 111.00, Bilirubin Total- 0.90, Bilirubin Direct-0.30, Bilirubin Indirect-0.60, Total Protein-8.50, Albumin-4.70, A:G Ratio-1.24
Platelet Count is 69.0 thou/mm3.

Now my medication is like- * Ursocol SR-450, 1 cap daily. * NUSAM 400, 2 tab daily.* Livopill DS, 2 tab daily.* NEXPRO-40, 1 tab daily. Evion 400, 2 cap daily.

Can I take medicine for skin problems at the same time? I am suffering from skin disease (may be Tinea Cruris) from my childhood (enclosed picture).

I have used several ointments at several times. Last on Dec- 2010, I have taken consultation of a Dermatologist & medication was like- *Tab- Zimig-250mg, 1 tab daily for 3 months, * Tab- Alaspan, 1 tab daily for 3 months, & EBERNET Cream.

After that for last 3 years no sufferings were there, but very recent it was repeated & present growth is like pictures.

Can I take the same medicine again for another 2 months? Is there any side effects as I am taking medicine for Liver also? If other medicines are required, Please suggest me & what will be the dose and duration.

Thanking You

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query.

I can understand your concern.

You surely have tinea cruris. But it can be treated with creams and it won't be mandatory to take tablets. In view of your liver profile, I wouldn't recommend that you take tablets.

I would recommend that you apply terbinafine cream twice daily for three weeks and it should resolve the infection.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

As my case is chronic & last 3 years ago it was treated by both cream & tablets, I am in doubt whether it will cured by cream permanently or not. As I am taking medicine for liver protection strongly & it will continue for another month, will it an opportunity to take tablets also for better / permanent result? However, your opinion will be followed finally. Thanks.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

It's best to treat it with cream right now, that will also resolve the infection.


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