Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com.
I can understand your concern. I reviewed the pictures.
You seem to have scabies which is caused by a mite. The lesions are small itchy bumps on the body in a characteristic distribution. There is increased history of itching at night. It tends to spread to family members.
I would recommend application of permethrin cream below the neck on the whole body only once at night after a bath. It doesn't have to be applied daily. One application on day one and repeat application after ten days.
Calamine lotion can be applied daily. An anti histamine like claritin can be taken daily at night.
You will need a prescription for the permethrin cream.
The itching takes a month to subside completely.
Please let me know if you have any queries. Take care
Patient replied :
No question. I am unsure how I contracted this but thank you. At least I know what it is. I will take steps to treat myself and my kids.