Took POTTASIUM tablets before METABOLIC PANEL. Will affect test?

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I take -hidden- and I recently did my blood work.
Complete metabolic panel and CBC.
I was called by my Dr.'s nurse and was told my potassium level is high and I need to get Basic Metabolic Panel done. So I did that today.
Then I remembered that the night before my blood work I had a a drink that contained 925mg of potassium. Could that affect the test and make my potassium result higher?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank You for your query at
I understand your concern.
A drink containing 925 mg of potassium won't cause the potassium levels to go up. In fact the RDA ( Recommended Dietary Allownace ) of protein for adults is around 3-4 grams per day.
Now when it comes to potassium, both the extremes ( hypokalemia, or hyperkalemia ) if not controlled could be fatal. Especially hyperkalemia can lead to arrhythmias, and renal insufficiency. But for this the potassium needs to be alarmingly high. I'm sure that's not the case with you, hence i would like to know about your potassium values.
Will it be possible for you to upload both the metabolic panel and CBC reports?
I will also advise you to get your RFT ( Renal Function Test ) evaluated.
Kindly upload the reports, and i can guide you further.

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Patient replied :

Alright. I don't have any sort of print out for the blood result. So if it was alarmingly high, they would probably of told me to hit the ER? I feel great. I don't notice anything different. What would be the concern if my levels weren't alarmingly high?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

The normal levels of potassium in your serum is around 3.5-5.0
Till 5.5 we don't intervene because it's not going to cause any problem.
However beyond that, a patient will start experiencing symptoms such as muscle rigidity, twitching, fasciculations, arrhythmias, so you definitely don't have high levels. Or else they would have called you to ER.
It probably is just borderline elevated and it can happen even physiologically at times.
Just watch out for the symptoms as i mentioned.
And also get the tests done as i recommended.
Since you feel fine there is no cause of concern right now. One you do get ahold of your reports, please upload them.

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