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I am a diabetes patient and have fibromyalgia and so, need sticks to walk. It is difficult for me to frequently visit toilet. My problem is that I have bad sulphur-smelling gas (both ends),diarrhea & Vomiting and headaches. I was hospitalized last week but they cancelled it out for bacterial infections. I wonder, what it is then? I had a higher WBC count(Lymphocytes). I was later discharged as an outpatient. Doctors say that it is not contagious, but my daughter seems to have developed similar issue. Moreover food comes out in an undigested form. I can't explain what is going on. Please help.

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 29 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for writing to us.

The symptoms that you have described along with a rise in Lymphocytes guide me towards Viral Gastro enteritis. In this condition there is an infection with viruses like enteroviruses (most common in adults) which affect the normal physiology of water and electrolyte absorption in the gut. The symptoms include diarrhea, dehydration, blood in stool, etc. I would like to recommend you to consider the following:

1)Avoid outside food. Eat well cooked home foods.

2)Drink plenty of water

3)Avoid over the counter drugs and try to avoid unprescribed usage of antibiotics

4)Drink plenty of buttermilk as it contains lactobacillus which is a normal inhabitant of gut.

5)Take 2-3 sachets of powders like Electral which contains all the electrolytes that are needed in dehydration.

6)Keep a check on your Diabetes as the disease itself leads to serious infections because of reduced immunity.

I would like to suggest that your daughter would be safe, if you follow the above measures. If symptoms persist, try to make an appointment with a physician for colonoscopy and further management.

Hope this helps

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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