Tight cremasteric muscle and testicles

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My testicals spend alot of time either tight or non existant even when they are warm. Im am worried this could be a problem.

They are usually normal once i have a shower or when i am relaxed at home. With research i think it may be an overactive cremaster muscle. I have even read it could be weak core muscles as they are attached obviously i am unsure.

I find it happens mostly at work where i am fairly active.

Is this anything to worry about and can it be helped?

I would like to add they are at their worst when i need to toilet or i am excirsing (cardio)

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

You are right in this regard. This could be due to the action of cremaster muscle. Most of the cases this is just an individual variation rather than an abnormality.

I assume that your sexual function is alright - you have early morning erection and active sexual interest. In that case there are two suggestion I have :

1. Get a physical examination done (you can contact your GP). To rule out any varicocele.
2. A semen analysis.

I am pretty sure both will be alright. In that case you can just ignore this.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

I have noticed my morning erection is not as common recently but my sexual function seems fine.

I find it strange that it is worse at work. I am standing a lot and it is cold at times but even if i wear thermal pants this problem still occurs (testicles are warm to touch). At home the problem is a lot less. Tighter jeans seem to make the issue worse.

Is there anything that can if not cure but ease this problem in your experience? Can anxiety be an issue? Is it normal for them to shrink when I need the toilet?

Also could the core muscle theory i mentioned possibly be an issue. My core was very tight from exercise the past couple of days and i noticed the problem seemed to be worse over this period.

Thankyou for your help

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 3 Days.


I do not think this has any relationship with the core muscle. Infact "the core muscle " is a fitness concept. The pevlic floor and testicular muscles function separately.

I would not say this is anxiety related. But it is possible that your mind is pre occupied with this. I would say this only a normal variation. If the sexual function is fine and the sperm analysis is normal there is nothing to worry and you should keep the mind of it. The shrinkage, or moving up you feel is of the scrotum mainly, not testes per se. So there is no reason to worry.

Hope this helps
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