Thick mucus in throat not responding to MUSINEX.

Resolved question:
I saw an ENT back in 2011 bec. I was having thick mucus in my throat that would not clear the Dr looked down my throat with the depresser and said yes it's very thick he said use the highest mg of Musinex so I did, well now it's 3 yrs later and I'm still having the same problem and still using Musinex which now isn't working any longer. In the beginning it was just spring summer and fall months now it's close to winter and still dealing with this problem. I'm very uncomfortable and frustrated it's even worse when I'm laying down I keep swallowing it doesn't move it's too deep in my throat to bring up and I drink hot liquids to thin it but doesn't help. Why is this happening? I see my ENT dr in Jan bec he us so booked up I can't see him sooner. I have daily headaches and I think I have some sinus issues going on right now but not every time this is happening I also woke 2 days ago with a nasty taste in the back of my throat. So I have been on musinex for 3 years now and my family and friends don't think I should be on it this long. I don't know what else to do or what my Dr would do. I do have acid reflux disease for 7 yrs now and have been on acid reflux prescription medicine. The acid reflux is also getting worse in the last several months I get acid reflux now with everything I eat it used to be certain foods, is their any relation?? I'm 42 yrs old i do smoke. Please help with this problem thank you. Liz.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for using Doctor spring.
I can understand your problem
You are suffering from thick Secretions in throat with sticky sensation. You are taking mucinex for 3 years, still symptoms worsening now.
These symptoms are due to allergic pharyngitis and acid reflux.
Rather then mucinex you can start ambroxol 30 mg three times daily.
You can add monteleukast 10 mg one in night for one month.
Its very important to control acid reflux, with medications you need life style modification to get good relief. You should quit smoking, avoid spicy food.
Hope this helps, feel free to reply if you have any further queries.
Best regards

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Patient replied :

Ok thank you for this information are these 2 medicines you mentioned by prescription?? And yes I don't eat spicy foods at all and never did but even now a bowl of cereal gives me the acid reflux. If these are prescriptions I highly doubt my ENT dr will prescribed until I see him in jan. I just want to be able to swallow normally again without this stuff in my throat. Will this be a lifelong problem?? I'm asking my gastro dr in Jan when I see him too about getting the lynx acid reflux surgery. Thank you.

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 3 Days.


If ambroxol is not available, you can take bromhexine 8 mg three times daily. You can start antihistamine including levocetrizine 5 mg once in night for 3 weeks.

Prescription you have you ask from local physician only.

This sticky sensation Will improve with medication, it will not last lifelong.

Surgery for acid reflux required if all medical management fails. This you can discuss with gastro enterologist.

Hope this helps,

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