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Swollen testicles, blood vessels by sex after VARICOCELE SURGERY.

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I am a 23 years old patientold male and I had a Varicocele surgery a week ago. after the operation my testicles felt as if they were not even there which was great. A day after the surgery, I masterbated and the day after that, I had sex twice( I learned later that I shouldn't have but I did not know then) then slept. when I woke up, my testicles felt and looked as if I had Varicocele all over again. the testicles were swollen and the scrotum expanded with some blood vessels seen. I called my doctor ( she is 5 hours away from me) and she said that this might be a fluid build up and told me not to worry and to see her after a month to take out the fluid if it is there. since yesterday, my testicles shrunk significantly and the pain is almost gone but I still feel it is bigger than it should be and does not look normal. my questions are: - why did my testicles swell again? -should I be worried? -should I see another doctor before I see my doctor in a month? _ when can I have sex again?
I hope I explained my case well and feel free to ask me any questions.
Thank you!

Category: Urologist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
Your testis has swollen up because of intercourse and the resultant inflammation that persists for a few days after the surgery.

You should refrain from intercourse as well as masturbation for at least 4 weeks from today. You don't need to go to another doctor and see your doctor after month. The swelling shall slowly and slowly decrease, provided you can abstain from any sexual activity for the duration mentioned.
Feel free to discuss further,
Take care
Rajiv Goel

Patient replied :

Thank you Dr. Goel. I apreciate your time and effort and yes I have afew other questions. I get aroused around my girlfriend so should I stop seeing her or is getting aroused ok as long as there is no sexual activity? - am I in danger of infertility as I grow older because I had Varicocele or since I had it done now before I have infertility, I will continue to be ok? note that I had a semen test and it was "excelent" in the doctor's words. On another issue, the doctor that diagnosed me of Varicocele also told me that I have a problem with my prostate after I told him that I have been having hot urination for five months. He inserted a finger in my anus and told me that the big pain i felt after he did that was a result of a prostate problem. He prescribed Levoflacin, a pil everyday for four weeks. During those five month, I felt a decrease in my libido. I would still enjoy sex but I did not have the same urge for sex/masterbation that I used to have before those five months. I would add that I felt that decrease overnight, meaning it was on the first day of having hot urination. Now, is this a normal result of having a prostate problem? or is there other possible causes for that decreas like an STD (because I read that on the internet)? _ Will my libido get back to were it was after I get treated of my prostate problem and heal from my Varicocele surgery and how long should I wait before I start to worry and see a doctor? I know I have asked so many questions and my style of writing might be confusing as English is not my first language but I would really apreciate if you could answer all my questions. Thank you very much indeed!

Dear Sir,
it is fine to be aroused. You need to avoid intercourse.
Your fertility should remain maintained and there should not be any problem in future.
Your problem was probably related to prostate infection and 4 weeks of levofloxacin shall take good care of it. You don;t seem to have any STDs and nothing further needs to be done.

Patient replied :

Dear Sir,
it is fine to be aroused. You need to avoid intercourse.
Your fertility should remain maintained and there should not be any problem in future.
Your problem was probably related to prostate infection and 4 weeks of levofloxacin shall take good care of it. You don't seem to have any STDs and nothing further needs to be done.

Dr. Rajiv Goel
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
MCh(urology) Medical Council of India
Fellow, Laparoscopic urology, Germany
Fellow, Urooncology and Robotic urology, Australia
Felloship - MCH, Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, AIIMS, 2004
Residency - MS, Master of Surgery, AIIMS, 2001
Medical School - MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, AIIMS, 1998
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