Suggesting natural cures for sexually transmitted diseases

Resolved question:

Hi, I was going through one magazine yesterday which claims that not just medications and surgeries but even natural cures can do wonders in treating STDs and their painful, irritating symptoms. I was thinking natural cures could really help in treating sexually transmitted diseases? If yes, please suggest me some natural cures that can help in treating and getting rid of STDs.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.


Thanks for contacting us.

Yes, it is true that natural cures can also help in treating number of sexually transmitted diseases. Some of such natural remedies are mentioned below:

  • Garlic: Garlic has got natural healing properties and their antiviral and antiseptic power helps in naturally cleaning out your system. Garlic supplements works best in curing STDs.
  • Cranberry juice: When STDs affect bladder or urinary tract, cranberry juice can be really good help for you. It kills bacteria present in the affected area and relives pain or irritation experienced by a person.
  • Yogurt: It is another natural way for treating as well as preventing sexually transmitted disease. Regular intake of yogurt restores natural balance within woman’s PH system, and this can be quite important when it comes to STD’s.

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