Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
From the symptoms that you describe, it sounds like a UTI alongwith a pelvic / vaginal infection.
Please get a urine test done - submit an early morning urine sample for routine microscopy and urine culture analysis.
Also, she needs to have an internal exam - per vaginum and per speculum and a vaginal swab and culture to rule out vaginal / pelvic infection.
You can also upload photographs of the vagina / anal area where you think she is having a rash or bumps.
I hope both of you have had thorough STD screening.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
My girlfriend went to the doctor just now and they said that she has a uti and they said that she needs to go to the gynecologist ASAP. She has little tiny red bumps like pimples and she said they are starting to spread a little. They said she might have an std. I am also going to get a std check up tomorrow.
If she does have an std, what could it possibly be?? I have no std symptoms that I see, nothing around my genitial are that I see, nothing around my mouth.. Could I have std if she possibly has some?
Hello. Thank you for writing to us again.
I understand your agony.
I request you to upload a picture of what you're trying to describe, without which making a diagnosis is extremely difficult.
Patient replied :
Hi I'm the girlfriend he is talking about, I went to my regular doctor today and she immediately told me to see my gynocologist but my gno doesn't have an opening till next month. I'm going to the planned parenthood place tomorrow to get it further checked out but for now can you tell me what it is. The bumps are not hard and they don't look like any of the pictures on the internet. Also the bumps are a pinkish color and only on the outside of my vagina on the "lips". Hopefully you can help.
Once more, I would request you to upload pictures, so that I can opine. It is better than me giving you a probable diagnosis which may or may not be right, and cause unnecessary anxiety.
Take care.
Patient replied :
My girlfriend said she uploaded a pic and it said it was downloaded to the message.
Do we need to try again?
Sorry but I have not received any image. You can try uploading it again in the follow-up or alternatively, email the image to info@doctorspring.com mentioning your consult ID 198729 in the subject line.
Thank you.