Slight shaking on carrying weight. Is this serious?

Resolved question:
My left hand sometimes shakes slightly. When I hold it out straight it does not shake. sometimes when I hold a heavy bag or something i feel it slightly shaking. I am a 72 year old male. If i rest it on something in a certain way it shakes slightly. This has been for about six months now. I also was on here Wednesday due to a tingling and slight numbness in my right hand. this started the day after I was chopping ice with my left hand and arm for quite a while this past Monday. It is NOT getting worse but still feels a little funny. I have no problem sleeping at night. does this sound like a SERIOUS PROBLEM?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Thanks one more thing: how about thr uncomfortable feeling when sitting down? And does this cream cause losser bowels. They are ok. just not hard. Again thanks you are a SUPER DOCTOR!!!!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for your appreciation.
The uncomfortable feeling will slowly go once the infection is controlled. Persistent inflammation and irritation can lead to such uncomfortable feeling. This cream won't cause any loose stools.
Hope this was helpful,
Dr. Jaydeep

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Patient replied :

Then I should not worry about my stools being a little loose? That"s all! Thanks & you people are the VERY BEST!!! I WILL USE THE CREAM FOR ANOTHER WEEK AND SEE HOW IT IS!! HAVE A SUPER NIGHT!!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

No don't worry about loose stools.
I will keep the consult open, so please update me after a week.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

hI Dr. Spring: Well icompleted two weeks of the Ketoconazole & it seems to be a lot better. I findthat after about an hour or so after moving my bowels that I have to wipe again. When I do that it seems to be ok. This mornign I did not have a bowel movement but I did wipe again. When I did I saw some light red blood. It it ok. after but, it was like a little noticable on the paper. I just can't stop worring now that his is really bad. I must really be a pain to you but, i REALLY BELIEVE in you!! Last night i had a movement and there was no light or any kind of blood when i wiped. Thank you again & PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Thank you for your follow-up.
I can understand all your apprehensions but this is not suggestive of cancer.
The good thing, you feel a lot better already. That is a positive sign.
I will request you to get your stool tested for worms ( ova/parasites ). I am keeping the consult open for one more follow-up. So please update me after the stool test.
Hope this was helpful,

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