Slight pain in lower rib cage and shooting pain now and then in heart area.

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I have a slight pain in the lower ribcage and a shooting pain every now and then in the heart area at no particular time of day or night, just on and off.I saw my GP who said that my heart and blood pressure were fine.I'm still getting pains; what do you suggest I do?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


There is a possibility you have injured your ribs.

Sometimes it happens that you would have hurt your chest in an accident or trauma and you wouldn't have realized then. The cartilage region where the rib is connected to sternum. This is the weak area and the region where commonly fracture occurs and goes unnoticed. That could be the reason for radiating pain to your heart as well.

The good part you need to know is the treatment for fracture rib is conservative. Overtime, the cartilage grows back closing the fractured area. At the most, a tight band aid is put against the chest which will help fast healing. For pain you can take Tylenol. If there is no relief after a week, I suggest you go to a orthopaedician who will do an X-ray chest.

Thank you.

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