Side of stomach feels heavy, hard after OD on BENADRYL.

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Resolved question:
I suffer from depression/anxiety and recently tried to OD on benadryl. I didn't see a doctor but its been about a day and I feel shaky my stomach has been bothering me but also weirdly the left side of my stomach feels heavy/hard. Should I see a doctor about this or am I okay?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Psychiatrist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at

I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
Benadryl does have some antianxiety property but its not a first line drug for anxiety. The abdominal side effects that you are experiencing are probably due to the acidity. The side effects are associated with tge use of benadryl.You will have to firstly stop the tablet benadryl. The symptoms may reduce in next 24 hours. You may drink plenty of water during this period and take some OTC antiacid preparations. If the symptoms do not receed in 48 hours time then you should see a doctor in that case.
Hope this helps.
If you have any further query do let me know.

Kind regards.
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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