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Should undisplaced PLATEAU FRACTURE OF TIBIA be immobilized?

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I have a plateau fracture of the tibia. It is nondisplaced, this happened last Friday, I got into an orthopedic surgeon yesterday and my question is, should it be immobilized. I am a 59 year old female and am concerned, understandably. Thank you for any insight you can give me. Pat

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 24 Doctors Online


Thank you for your query at

I have read your query and understand your concern.

Tibial plateau fracture should be immobilised for better healing. Immobilisation leads to the development of a uniting callus (new bone) between the fractured ends. In case of undisplaced fracture, treatment may be of short duration for around 3-4 weeks.

Compression, icing, knee splinting in full extension, elevation of your affected limb, and strict non-weight bearing are required in the initial phase of treatment of a tibial plateau fracture. After the first follow-up visit to your doctor, you will need to wear a hinged brace that is locked in full extension and need to continue non-weight bearing crutch walking, icing, and intermittent elevation of the leg.

If there is no displacement of your fracture at two weeks, you can begin working on knee flexion with the brace still on. You should be able to achieve 90 degrees of knee flexion by four weeks. You can start partial weight bearing once X-Ray shows good healing.

Hope this was helpful to you. Feel free to ask queries.

Thank you.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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