Sharp, throbbing pain in abdomen on birth control pill.

Resolved question:
Hello. My gilrifriend is 21, and is experiencing a lot of sharp, throbbing pain in the abdominal region on her lower left side for the last two days. She had started new birth control, Introvale, 2 weeks ago but started experiencing sharp pains as of 8 days ago. She called up her gynecologist two days ago who recommended she get off the pill. Her pain has increased after stopping, but the pain hasn't seemed to subside. She has trouble moving because of the pain, and she feels like it is coming from the kidney area. She has no significant medical issues aside from anemia and is required to take iron and vitamin c supplements due to low energy after seeing another doctor from chronic fatigue. Her family has a history of hypothyroidism. At this very moment, we are debating to go to the emergency room, but are hesitant as we're not sure if they'll simply see us and then prescribe us painkillers and send us home with nothing but a big bill. Should we go to urgent care instead? I'm not sure how to proceed from here, but she is in a lot of pain, and will probably go unless we're told otherwise, to the ER in a few hours, as it is 3:30 AM in the morning. Please help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
She could be having a urinary / kidney infection.
Again the differential is an ovarian cyst / pelvic infection.
If you go to the ER, yes, you would be given painkillers mostly.
And that should suffice until you meet a Specialist OB - GYN.
She needs an internal exam, a pelvic ultrasound scan and an abdominal scan at the earliest.
A urine routine microscopy and urine culture should also be done.
What is it about the Aldacton that you mentioned, can you please elaborate ?
All the best
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Patient replied :

I've clarified with my girlfriend on the spironolactone (or aldacton). She used to take 50mg a day until she started taking the birth control, at which point, she was given spironolactone 100mg tablets that she took twice a day (which started two weeks ago) and has now stopped. At this point, ER seems unnecessary, but should we go to a urgent care/ primary care doctor, and will they be able to refer us to an OB/GYN on the spot? Or should we just make an appointment with an OB/GYN? Her previous OB/GYN is not available, as she has moved back in with me and her usual ob/gyn is not within feasible distance. I just want to make sure that this isn't life-threatening at the current moment, and am not sure how quickly we should go through this process.
Are there any over the counter pain killers we should take?
Thank you.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

You can take an OTC antispasmodic ( check the local brands available ).
I do not think urgent care can immediately refer you to an OB - GYN.
If the ER is not necessary at this time, it is better to fix up the earliest possible appointment with your OB - GYN.
And yes, why was she on Spironolactone , that is what I want to know.

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