Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I checked the pictures and herpes could be a possibility. These are erosions which are closely grouped together.
Usually a history of fluid filled blisters in clusters is given by the patient which is absent in your case, however looking at the erosions, herpes is a possibility.
It would be best to visit your doctor who can re examine you and give you a course of valacyclovir.
Application of mupirocin cream will be helpful. It will provide soothing effect.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care
Patient replied :
After recieving your response I completely cleared of any and all symptoms i previously mentioned. The cuts ( one caused by me and the other im still unsure of) have healed and no scars...like it never happened. I am however in the process of making an appointment with my doctor. Now I am unsure of how long a herpes episode lasts without medication and if it would clear up after taking medications for yeast infection. is that possible? I just want to be clear when i do see my doctor.
Thanks for your reply.
Herpes can clear up on its own without
medication. But it wouldn't clear after taking yeast medications.
Feel free to discuss further,