Thank you for your concern, it is really unfortunate to that you have been suffering from premature ejaculation. Don’t get anxious. Now a day’s premature ejaculation is very common in youngsters. But it is really unfortunate to knowthat you are suffering from premature ejaculation after your shoulder surgery. I think your problemis more psychological than physical.Because premature ejaculation is mainly a psychological problem and it never induced by previous surgery or drugs of any kind. It can be treated by a number of therapeutics modalities.Most of these therapeutics modalities involve finding out several techniques to sustain premature ejaculation and will involve your partner. A practicable technique is the ‘stop –start technique’. Through this method more info can be found readily on the internet. Desensitizing creams or some types of antidepressants can use for premature ejaculation. Antidepressants have been established to be effective in handling premature ejaculation. I would like to advise that it is better to consult with your physician before using or taking any such medication and also your physician can help in advising you with better treatments and meditations other ways he can help in suggesting remedies in the form of medicine or some other method. I hope I have appeased your concern and take care always.